my boring thoughts

yeah! welcoming post it is!

well, let me introduce myself first : name's wisnu. ok, that's all, hahaha..

so, what's with the "boring thoughts?" yeah, sometimes i had uncommon, strange, or freakish opinion (hahaha). may i call it as being "different?" yes, i'm somewhat "different," but you'll never know what kind of difference i had in mind, actually =P kinda creepy? haha..

uh..what else? umm..just wait for my boring thoughts, ok?hope you won't get bored, hehe.. hey, at least i tried!!

oh yeah, about that "different" thing.. i know it'll be kinda confusing, but i would like to thank those people who supported me (directly or indirectly) back then on 14 th january. hope i can make those changes soon!

1 comment:

Shirin Zahro said...


on that january 14th u've shown us the real u..:)
n it made me know that u r the one who could think "out of the box" and tried to get out of ur comfort zone..
it's so great,man..!!:)