The 'Fishing' Theory of Life

I've just come home from fishing when I wrote this post. Lately, my fishing schedule became crowded and I went to fish more often with my dad. Fishing is a very relaxing acticity, and it gives you lots of time to think while waiting for the fish to bite your bait.

Well, today, when I was watching for my bait to be biten by the fish, something just poped up in my mind. And here we are, the posting that I got inspired from fishing.

When you want to fish, you just throw the bait to the pole with your fishing rod and then wait for that bait to be biten. The sign for the bait to be biten is the floating bar began to crumble or shrink. But, sometimes the crumbling or shrinking bar can be caused by the wave of water or touched by small fish or the windblow. So, we sometimes got confused whether the bait is biten or just those phenomena. That throw us into a doubt whether we should pull the rod or not.

I think, 'fishing' is one of the reflections of how we live our life, especially about 'The Chance', that only come one or several times during lifetime. Throwing the bait is the reflection of our try when we want to achieve something. Then we just wait for opportunity to come to achieve that just like when we wait for the fish to bite our bite. And when that opportunity just come, we will face a doubt whether this is a good opportunity that we've been waiting for long or just a blank opportunity or even worse a trap, just like when we face our doubt whether the fish bite our bait or not.

Taking a risk to pull the rod is just like when we are taking a risk to take an opportunity. If it's not a fish, then we will lose our bait supply. Just like when if it's just a blank opportunity, we will lose our resources that we used to take that opportunity. And just like the limited bait supply, our resources is also limited. When it ran off, then we couldn't fish anymore until we have another supply.

Even if it is a real opportunity, we could just failed in attempt to achieve our dream. In fishing, even if you got the fish on hook, if pull the fish in a wrong way, the fish can get away from our hook. Just like taking opportunity, if do it wrong, the opportunity could just slipped from your hand.

And when we failed to catch a fish, we have to do it over from the beginning, placing the bait, throw it and wait again, just like when we failed, back to the beginning.

Also, just like in real life, we have to use the time efficiently. WHile wait for the fish, we could prepare for the next throw, or maybe socialized with other or anything, just to make sure our time is not wasted in vain.

See? Our life is just like 'Fishing'. We need to be focus when we want toget a fish just like in reaching our goal, we need to be focus. We have to trust our heart whether to pull the rod or not, just like we have to trust our heart when we face an opportunity.

The point of this post is, that in your life, you have to try to open your opportunity (throwing the bait), focus on your doing (waiting for the fish with concentration), see the chance (see the floating bar shrinking), make a choice (pull or not), trust your heart (just like when you choose to pull it or not), do it in correct ways (when you struggle to pull the fish) and try again when you failed as long as you still can do it (throw again the bait if you still have bait supply).

Fishing is just one reflection of life. There are still another reflections of life. Well, what I want to say is, we can learn anything about life with every activity in our life, even a nature activity. So, don't forget to look closely on everything that happened around us, and learn everything from that.

Have no worries to learn,
Philosopher that Never Was, Royben..

1 comment:

Sham said...

Nice posting! educating. since i never go fishing, so you not only give me a new theory of life, but also a little knowledge of fishing :))

good! i have no critics! well done.