I'm officially in this blog..! Yeaay..

Hey all!!!!

Winta is here and ready to share thoughts..

But first of all, let me introduce myself.. My name is Dewinta Novaryani.. And no, I don't have any relationships with Dewinta Bahar or Anissa Bahar. Just because my first name is the same with Dewinta Bahar, doesn't mean they're my siblings or anything.. Sigh..

Anyway, you can call me Winta, or Wintul.. I don't know how it became Wintul, I've had it since my 3rd year in high school. I'm now a student of University of Indonesia, 2nd year, majoring in Economics.

To be honest, I'm not much of a writer.. I don't share my thoughts well..

But for this blog, I'll try my best..!!!

Good day...!

1 comment:

Martha-Happy said...

tapi lo bisa goyang patah2 kan Tul? hahaha..kidding